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The Lower North Wark beat is situated approximately 2 miles up-stream of Coldstream Bridge on the Scottish side of the Tweed between Birgham and Coldstream.

The beat has been a solid performer over very many years. Currently top catches come from the Annaside, Ferrystream and North Willows pools. At high water the Wall and the North Temple fish well. Average five year catches have increased significantly over the last few years and an all-time record of 514 salmon and grilse were landed during 2012. A total of 386 salmon and grilse were caught during 2013 being an improvement on the five year average catch of 370.  See 2013 Season Review page. 

The beat performs at all river heights but particularly well at medium and low water levels. Automatic readings of the exact water height from the Wark gauge are updated hourly and shown on the beat’s webpage.

Tenants have the use of a comfortable fishing hut overlooking the Ferrystream pool and the ruins of Wark Castle.

Typically tenants take whole or half weeks. In 2012 June and July were fished (part of the time) with considerable success. Obviously good water levels helped but salmon and grilse have been appearing at Wark earlier over the last few years. Fishing is offered direct to tenants and no commission or other charges are payable.



beat facts

  • 5 year average of 370 salmon and grilse
  • 1.5 miles of left bank fishing
  • 6 named pools
  • Maximum 3 rods in autumn and 2 during the spring and summer
  • 3 Boats
  • One boatmen spring and summer and two Boatmen after mid August
  • Electronic water heights updated hourly and displayed on-line
  • No access for Wheely Boat
  • Restricted vehicle access to hut and pools

Information courtesy of www.tweedbeats.com


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