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Hornsea Mere is the largest natural freshwater lake in Yorkshire. At 2 miles long and covering 467 acres this huge inland water will provide a challenge for any adventurous pike angler.

Pike up to 32lb have been reported and, in 2011, a 27lb pike was caught by Richard Powell on Mackerel.

Hornsea Mere is a shallow lake with depths to a maximum of 12 feet. Large perch and roach have also provided anglers with excellent sport.

Gates open at 7am for boat and bank fishing and doors close at 5pm. All fishing during lockdown and tier 3 is behind closed doors and booking only on 07889834082. The only restrictions are no livebaiting and a couple of areas that are out of bounds to boat anglers.

There are areas out of bounds in the North East corner in front of the sailing club building and at the far end of the Mere (Western end), which is a two mile row into the prevailing wind anyway.

There is also a cafe, open from February to end of October, and toilets on site.

Day Tickets for an Adult are £10and Boat hire is £10. £10 per man in the boat.



  • Hornsea Mere

    Fishing is not allowed from the jetties

    No livebaiting

    All fish to be returned.

    No night fishing. 

    There are a few areas that are out of bounds to boat anglers, like in the North East corner in front of the sailing club building and at the far end of the Mere (Western end), which is a two mile row into the prevailing wind anyway.

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