25.8 lb. Broun Trout taken in Lake Michigan on a spoon. Never been more nervous netting a fish.
I was fly fishing for chinook salmon in the Pere Marquette River in Michigan one Fall. I was casting to a fish on a redd across the river from me. I was in waders up to my chest and preparing my strategy in case I “hooked up”. Looking around, I noticed a cedar sweeper in the river slightly upstream; which I needed to avoid. It was fairly clear downstream. I thought to myself, “I hope it doesn’t head downstream.” After about 5 minutes, “Fish On.” The fish headed up stream. “Yes” …then turned and headed downstream right into the sweeper. I could feel it on the line but, the line was perfectly still in the current. I was helplessly entangled. The river was too deep to cross. Hoping against hope, I looked down at my fly fishing vest. I spied a Carlisle bobber. I clipped the boober to my line. Then I reached up and snipped my line. I watched the boober fall to the water, skitter across the top and disappear into the cedar sweeper. I patiently watched and suddenly the bobber popped up 10 yards downstream. I exclaimed, “It worked”. But I had forgotten to tie a hook to the cut line. I quickly did so. Still keeping track of the bobber, I cast out to it and snagged it. Carefully, I hauled in the bobber, grabbed the cut line and hand over hand began to bring in my quarry. After about 5 minutes I landed a 15-17 pound chinook salmon. I held her up, admired her and then quickly released her. My only regret is that there was no one with me to witness the only fish I have ever caught by cutting the line.