Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Everyone!
May your rods bend, and lines stay tight for 2018!
The other month a Guy who happened to live near me, put a message out on social media asking if he can join them Sea fishing the East Yorkshire Coast as he is not allowed to drive for 6 months because he had a seizure.
Well i replied to him, and arranged a day out Fishing at Bridlington.
And what a day!…. Sunshine! plenty of bites and we had such a laugh.
Now there is one thing I will do, I will always help another fisherman.
Some of you i have helped you out, given you some tackle and Introduced to Fishprep.
And some of you i have met on here…. But all i can say is…. I enjoy fishing and when i am not fishing, it’s nice to see others having fun!
Tight Lines to you all! :)
I went fishing on Thursday with my dad and his friend to Beverley Beck in East Yorkshire.
They had a few roach and perch, while I went after the Pike. Suffice to say I didn’t catch anything this time. But that didn’t matter, the sun was shining and the sky was blue… Yes it was cold. But we had a laugh, like we always do. Also bumped into Peter Stokes who had only just got back into fishing after many years… Its these things that make a good day’s fishing!